Dear Members,
Unprecedented, emotionally draining, scary, sad, or in other words Wow! What a long, strange year is has been. We hope that everyone is healthy and continues to stay that way now that round two of the pandemic seems to be upon us.
Though we were unable to meet in person this year, we were constantly thinking of ways to help our members during such an unstable time. One of our initiatives was the creation of the Job Board and we are pleased that it has been so active. Therefore, this will remain on the website for the foreseeable future. Also be sure to check other association websites for job boards as our idea was emulated throughout the country. Please contact Ashley Jackson to add information to the Job Board. Our hope is to continue to connect employers and seekers as long as needed.
With all the continued uncertainty relating to COVID we are not going to host the Annual Holiday Social at The Angus Barn this year. While we are disappointed, we are confident it is the right decision. However, we have already locked down a date for 2021, as we have for the 15th Annual Charity Golf Tournament in Pinehurst. Will we be able to gather before then….we are not sure but know we are doing our best to find a way!
Thank you for your continued support of the Carolinas Wireless Association. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the Board Members with questions or concerns.