Welcome to the new Carolinas Wireless Association website! We hope you will explore the site and let us know what you think.
2018 has been a good year for the association but also a challenging one for many of our members due to Hurricanes Florence and Michael. We know many of you were impacted by these devastating storms and therefore the CWA donated $5,000 to the American Red Cross to help.
Thank you to all the members who came to Pinehurst and played in our 13th Annual Golf Tournament. We had a full field of golfers that played on four of the resort’s pristine courses. The weather held and a great time was had by all. Once again, we were able to make a sizable donation to our Charity Partner, Victory Junction, in the amount of $25,000. We could not support this wonderful organization without your generosity and we sincerely appreciate your help.
We hope to see all of you at our upcoming Holiday Social on November 29th at Angus Barn Pavilion. This is a destination spot for anyone who visits Raleigh and we know you will enjoy all this unique venue has to offer.
Once again, we appreciate your continued support of the association. We look forward to a fantastic 2019.
Danny Agresta